“You cannot be what you cannot see.” When I joined Twitter approximately two years ago, I remember this being a popular phrase, shared by many. I don’t know what had sparked its popularity, but I guessed the idea was that children with different qualities and upbringings are unable to grow up to do […]
Tag: Community

Working While Female: Sexual Harassment in Technology & Testing
The problem of sexism within the technology space and the software testing industry goes way beyond issues of diversity or representation. There is also a very real problem of men making sexual or otherwise inappropriate advances towards women who they’ve contacted under the guise of a professional context. At work, through conference […]

Tester Interviews: Techniques and Tasks
This post is inspired by a recent discussion on the The Club at Ministry of Testing. Edit: It has also been translated into Russian on Software-Testing.RU. Please note that this translation was not requested, proofed, or approved by me. I bear no responsibility for the content or accuracy of the translated post. […]

1 Year in Testing: Then and Now
This time last year, I was invited to move from my customer-facing tech support role to my current testing one. A lot has changed in the last year, and my role, knowledge and experiences have really grown in what feels like a very short, yet action-packed, period of time. Working in a small […]

Tester’s First TestBash
TL; DR: TestBash Manchester was amazing! I’d highly recommend going and / or sending your team there. The talks and the people were well worth it and even better than I thought they would be. This post has two main purposes: I want to try and deepen the learning from a great conference […]