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Dinner with Patrick, Marcel, Vera, Cassandra and Vernon

Spotted in the Wild


This page collates other places around the web where I can be spotted.  It was created retrospectively as the number of sightings grew, so there may be others that I haven’t seen, or have forgotten about.  If you have spotted me or my blogs anywhere else, please let me know!  It’s great to be recognised by people that I respect and admire, and it really helps with the imposter syndrome too, so thank you!  Send me a tweet or message about any other sightings.


For appearances at conferences and other events, see Speaking and Conferences.



Guest Appearances and External Posts


How to Become a Software Tester – article for Ministry of Testing


Let’s Get Uncomfy – podcast on Let’s Talk About Tests, Baby


Ideas to Start Testing Without Equipment – article for Testing Trapeze (ceased publishing)


Testers’ Island Discs #2 – podcast with Neil Studd


Tips for Interviewing Junior Software Testers – article for Ministry of Testing


Why Testers Need to Provide Insight – guest post for CrossBrowserTesting


Automation Carnal Knowledge – podcast with Joe Colantonio on Test Talks


The Testing Show: In Search of Requirements – podcast by Qualitest


Q&A with Cassandra H. Leung – interview with Rich Rogers



Testing Lists


Why Bother With Twitter by Kamila Polańska


125 Awesome Testers You Should Keep Your Eye On Always by Agile Testing Days


Who Should I Follow on Twitter? by Rich Rogers


Which Blogs Should I Read? by Rich Rogers





LinkedIn post – mentioned by Lisa Crispin

“A whole team approach, to success and failure” – Cassandra H. Leung‘s reflections on Crowdstrike are the most thoughtful and insightful I’ve seen so far.


Quick Glance At: Agile Engineering Practices Part 1: Writing Software – quoted by David Tanzer

“#TestAutomation requires both strong #testing skills and strong #programming skills. It’s not enough to have a good test coded badly, and it’s not enough to have good code that doesn’t test well.

Don’t be lazy. Draw from both disciplines. Test well. Code cleanly.”


Testing Tour Stop #9: Pair Experiencing the User Perspective with Cassandra – mentioned by Lisi Hocke

If you haven’t happened to come across Cassandra H. Leung yet, I heavily recommend to go check her out and especially her insightful blog. I follow her for some time now and she inspired me a lot, especially as someone who took the testing community by storm and shared her experiences on conferences early on. […]


The Brightest Software Witch of Her Age – mentioned by Pete Walen

[…] I was excited to meet her in person at the conference and found her to be as personable and intelligent as my first impressions of her made her out to be.

Cassandra is from Glasgow, Scotland, currently working in Germany. She moved into software testing after doing a bit of a stint as an IT recruiter. We had some fun and informative chats on twitter before the conference.

The conversations and discussions with Cassandra at Agile Testing Days were more of the same. Practical, applicable ideas in place of the hand-wavy crap so often encountered of the “well, it depends, doesn’t it?” ilk.

One key point I observed, at the start of her talk, Cassandra said something to the effect that she was not “an expert” in test automation – then proceeded to explain ideas and concepts more clearly that many self-proclaimed experts I’ve heard. She carries herself with an air of confidence that is remarkable. […]


TestBash Philly Wrap Up – mentioned by Jenna Charlton

[…] Cassandra Leung’s How to Benefit from Being Uncomfortable is one more that I would probably have passed over if not for the single track, but thank goodness I didn’t! ***Let me get a little preachy for a minute, sometimes the universe, God, fate, whatever you call it puts you in a certain place at a certain time for a reason. If I’m being honest Ash, Dan’s and Cassandra’s talks fall in that category for me.*** Cassandra’s talk about learning to challenge yourself to do what feels uncomfortable and unsafe was a breath of fresh air. Cassandra was transparent and honest about her personal struggle with overcoming her fear of rejection and failure and it really resonated with me. […]


Working Out Loud – An Interview with Angie Jones – mentioned by Angie Jones

[…] Is there a speaker that you’ve never listened to that you really feel like, “I want to hear this person speak”.

Cassandra Leung. I think she lives in Germany now. She’s on Twitter and she blogs some as well and she has really interesting thoughts and perspectives. She’s fairly new to testing in general, which also gives a fresh perspective. She’s only been testing for a couple of years. She recently started speaking and I’m really excited to hear her. I think that we may both be at Agile Testing Days in Germany so I’m really looking forward to hearing her.

That sounds great. It was her tweeting and blogging that made you interested in watching or listening to her speak?

Yes, and she comes up with really thought provoking topics that make you sit back and give it some consideration. So I’m really excited about her and what she’s going to do in the future. […]


Testing Smarter with Katrina Clokie – mentioned by Katrina Clokie

[…] Hexawise: What blogs would you recommend should be included in a software tester’s RSS feed reader?

Katrina: It’s worth checking out the Testing Bits that Matt Hutchison compiles each week on the Testing Curator Blog. It’s a good way to keep up-to-date with what’s happening in the community and discover new voices. Similarly you can subscribe to the Ministry of Testing Feed via RSS, but I find the content a little more variable as there’s no active moderation.

A prolific blogger who I really admire is Maaret Pyhäjärvi of Finland. Her blog, A Seasoned Tester’s Crystal Ball, is full of practical advice and insights. A few others that I read whenever I spot a new post are:



Recommended Reading Lists


Issue 241 by Software Testing Weekly

Documentation: Quality Engineer Role FAQs


Issue 146 by Software Testing Notes

Documentation: Low Tech Testing Dashboard


Issue 240 by Software Testing Weekly

Documentation: Distribution of Tests (Testing Shapes)


Weekly Newsletter – 7th October 2024 by Ministry of Testing

Documentation: Low Tech Testing Dashboard


Weekly Newsletter – 7th October 2024 by Ministry of Testing

Documentation: Distribution of Tests (Testing Shapes)


Weekly Newsletter – 2nd October 2024 by Ministry of Testing

Documentation: Quality Engineer Role FAQs


The Tester – Issue 76 by BCS SIGiST

Why Are You Asking Me to Test?


The Tester – Issue 76 by BCS SIGiST

There Is No “Manual vs Automated Testing” Conflict


Software Testing Insights Issue 21 by QA Avenue

How to Write Test Cases When You Hate Writing Test Cases


Issue 236 by Software Testing Weekly

How to Write Test Cases When You Hate Writing Test Cases


Issue 235 by Software Testing Weekly

Why Are You Asking Me to Test?


Testing Mnemonic Cards by Rahul Parwal

Introducing HISToW


Coding Jag Issue 206 by Lambda Test

Why Are You Asking Me to Test?


Issue 142 by Software Testing Notes

Why Are You Asking Me to Test?


Quality Coach Newsletter Issue 29 by Anne-Marie Charrett

CrowdStrike: The Blame Game


Weekly Newsletter – 19th August 2024 by Ministry of Testing

There Is No “Manual vs Automated Testing” Conflict


Software Testing Insights Issue 16 by QA Avenue

The Five “I”s of Great Testing


Issue 140 by Software Testing Notes

The Five “I”s of Great Testing


Software Testing Insights Issue 15 by QA Avenue

There Is No “Manual vs Automated Testing” Conflict


Issue 233 by Software Testing Weekly

There Is No “Manual vs Automated Testing” Conflict


Coding Jag Issue 205 by Lambda Test

The Five “I”s of Great Testing


Weekly Newsletter – 12th August 2024 by Ministry of Testing

Introducing HISToW


Issue 232 by Software Testing Weekly

The Five “I”s of Great Testing


Weekly Newsletter – 7th August 2024 by Ministry of Testing

The Five “I”s of Great Testing


Issue 230 by Software Testing Weekly

CrowdStrike: The Blame Game


Weekly Newsletter – 29th July 2024 by Ministry of Testing

CrowdStrike: The Blame Game


Weekly Newsletter – 15th November 2021 by Ministry of Testing

Why Testers Need to Provide Insight


Java Testing Weekly 46 / 2016 by Petri Kainulainen

Why I Don’t Report Bugs


Exploratory Testing Enablers by Testing Times

SBTM in Practice with PQIP


Context-Specific Exploratory Testing by Testing Times

Chatbot Testing with SBTM and Mike Talks


Weekly Newsletter – 2nd December 2019 by Ministry of Testing

Sharing Responsibilities: Circles Workshop


New PM Articles for the Week of November 25 – December 1 by The Practicing IT Project Manager

Sharing Responsibilities: Circles Workshop


Five Blogs – 25 November 2019 by FiveBlogs

Sharing Responsibilities: Circles Workshop


Four Short Links: 19 September 2019 by O’Reilly

(Mis)Using Personas with the Seven Dwarfs


My Week’s Favorites – August 4, 2019 by Weapon Tester

Bugs on a Keyboard: Testing IRL Part 3


Testing Bits – July 28th – August 3rd, 2019 by Testing Curator

Beyond Bugs: Testing IRL Part 4


Five Blogs – 2 August 2019 by FiveBlogs

Beyond Bugs: Testing IRL Part 4


Weekly Newsletter – 22nd July 2019 by Ministry of Testing

Bugs on a Keyboard: Testing IRL Part 3


Testing Bits – July 14th – July 20th, 2019 by Testing Curator

Bugs on a Keyboard: Testing IRL Part 3


Five Blogs – 17 July 2019 by FiveBlogs

Bugs on a Keyboard: Testing IRL Part 3


The AI and Software Testing Newsletter – June 19, 2019

How to Know What to Test: Testing IRL Part 1


Testing Bits – June 16th – June 22nd, 2019 by Testing Curator

How to Document Testing with SBTM: Testing IRL Part 2


Five Blogs – 27 May 2019 by FiveBlogs

How to Know What to Test: Testing IRL Part 1


Five Blogs – 20 March 2019 by FiveBlogs

Ideas to Start Testing Without Equipment


Reading Recommendations of the Week #11 – 2019 by Lyon Testing

Ideas to Start Testing Without Equipment


Weekly Newsletter – 18 March 2018 by Ministry of Testing

Ideas to Start Testing Without Equipment


Testing Bits – Jan 13th – Jan 19th, 2019 by Testing Curator

3 Years in Testing: Then and Now


Weekly Newsletter – 26 November 2018 by Ministry of Testing

7 Steps to Create a Test Strategy from Scratch


New PM Articles for the Week of November 19 – 25 by The Practicing IT Project Manager

7 Steps to Create a Test Strategy from Scratch


Testing Bits – Nov 18th – Nov 24th, 2018 by Testing Curator

7 Steps to Create a Test Strategy from Scratch


Five Blogs – 22 November 2018 by FiveBlogs

7 Steps to Create a Test Strategy from Scratch


Issue #64: Test Planning by Tester’s Digest

Introducing HISTOW


Weekly Newsletter – 29 May 2018 by Ministry of Testing

The Rabbit Poop Approach to Learning


New PM Articles for the Week of May 21 – 27 by The Practicing IT Project Manager

The Rabbit Poop Approach to Learning


Five Blogs – 9 May 2018 by FiveBlogs

SBTM in Practice with PQIP


Weekly Newsletter – 8 May 2018 by Ministry of Testing

SBTM in Practice with PQIP


Testing Bits – April 29th – May 5th, 2018 by Testing Curator

SBTM in Practice with PQIP


Weekly Newsletter – 9 April 2018 by Ministry of Testing

Neurodiversity and My Problem with WIP Limits for Creative Work


New PM Articles for the Week of April 2 – 8 by The Practicing IT Project Manager

Neurodiversity and My Problem with WIP Limits for Creative Work


Weekly Newsletter – 3 April 2018 by Ministry of Testing

I Downloaded My Facebook Data – Here’s What I Found


It Always Starts with an Idea by Agile Testing Days

Writing Abstracts: Non-Advice from a Speaker and Reviewer


Weekly Newsletter – 5 March 2018 by Ministry of Testing

Writing Abstracts: Non-Advice from a Speaker and Reviewer


Weekly Newsletter – 15 February 2018 by Ministry of Testing

Preventing Interruptions with Sticky Notes


Reading Recommendations # 92 by Adventures in QA

2 Years in Testing: Then and Now


Testing Bits – Jan 14th – Jan 20th, 2018 by Testing Curator

2 Years in Testing: Then and Now


30 articles for tech leaders written by women by Katrina Clokie

WTF Are You Doing? Tell Your Teams!


Technically Speaking – December 5th, 2017 by Technically Speaking

Why I Don’t Pay to Speak


Weekly Newsletter – 4 December 2017 by Ministry of Testing

Why I Don’t Pay to Speak


Professional Development 11/27/2017 – 12/03/2017 by The Software Mentor

Why I Don’t Pay to Speak


Hiring a Tester – Second Part: Evaluation by Lyon Testing

Tester Interviews: Techniques and Tasks


Weekly Newsletter – 13 November 2017 by Ministry of Testing

Represent! Flying the Flag for Diversity


Weekly Newsletter – 23 October 2017 by Ministry of Testing

Working While Female: Sexual Harassment in Technology & Testing


Five for Friday – October 20 by Alan Page

Working While Female: Sexual Harassment in Technology & Testing


Weekly Newsletter – 18 September 2017 by Ministry of Testing

10 Tips for Testers to Provide Insight


Testing Bits – 9/10/17 – 9/16/17 by Testing Curator

10 Tips for Testers to Provide Insight


Blogspy 210: Round-Up Of Top Software Testing Blogs Of The Week by EuroSTAR Huddle

Chatbot Testing with SBTM and Mike Talks


Pathway Exploratory Testing by Marcel Gehlen

Introducing HISToW


Weekly Newsletter – 31 July 2017 by Ministry of Testing

Chatbot Testing with SBTM and Mike Talks


Five Blogs – 31 July 2017 by FiveBlogs

Chatbot Testing with SBTM and Mike Talks


Weekly Newsletter – 24 July 2017 by Ministry of Testing

Tester Interviews: Techniques and Tasks


Testing Bits – 7/23/17 – 7/29/17 by Testing Curator

Chatbot Testing with SBTM and Mike Talks


The best resources on the web for interviewing testers by Joost van Wollingen

Tester Interviews: Techniques and Tasks


Testing Bits – 7/16/17 – 7/22/17 by Testing Curator

Tester Interviews: Techniques and Tasks


Five Blogs – 1 June 2017 by Five Blogs

Introducing HISToW


Testing Bits – 5/28/17 – 6/3/17 by Testing Curator

Introducing HISToW


Testing Bits – 4/23/17 – 4/29/17 by Testing Curator

Q&A with Cassandra H. Leung


Weekly Newsletter – 3 April 2017 by Ministry of Testing

Stop Telling Testers to Prevent Issues


Blogspy 190: The Latest Round-Up Of Software Testing And Software QA Blogs by EuroSTAR Huddle

Stop Telling Testers to Prevent Issues


Five Blogs – 27 March 2017 by FiveBlogs

Stop Telling Testers to Prevent Issues


Testing Bits – 3/19/17 – 3/25/17 by Testing Curator

Stop Telling Testers to Prevent Issues


Five Blogs – 24 February 2017 by FiveBlogs

Translating “Don’t Test Thoroughly”


Testing Bits – 2/19/17 – 2/25/17 by Testing Curator

Translating “Don’t Test Thoroughly”


Blogspy 178: Featuring The Best Posts From The Software Testing Blogosphere by EuroSTAR Huddle

Why I Don’t Report Bugs


Five Blogs – 7 December 2016 by FiveBlogs

Why I Don’t Report Bugs


Weekly Newsletter – 14 November 2016 by Ministry of Testing

Why I Don’t Report Bugs


Weekly Newsletter – 31 October 2016 by Ministry of Testing

Tester’s First TestBash


Reading Recommendations # 77 by Adventures in QA

Tester’s First TestBash