I recently found myself in the situation of having to create a test strategy completely from scratch, for the “imminent” launch of a web app that I’d never actually seen or been involved in before. Though faced with hurdles and pressured by time, it was a very interesting and enjoyable experience, where I felt […]
Category: Resources

How to Manage Your Fucks (and Other Coping Mechanisms)
This post is a follow-up to my TestBash Manchester 2018 Open Space session on mental health and how people try to manage theirs. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck Like many others, I have ups and downs in my mental health. I had a particularly low “down” period a few […]

The Rabbit Poop Approach to Learning
I’ve been thinking a lot about learning, and have been trying to examine and understand more about the way that I learn. For me, there are three levels or stages of learning: Absorb (often through reading, watching, or listening) Experience (first hand exposure through active participation or passive observation) Teach (possibly through mentoring, speaking, […]

SBTM in Practice with PQIP
Last year, I wrote about my first experience with SBTM, in collaboration with Mike Talks. Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to use SBTM in the “real world”, on a client project that I was on for about six months. I’d like to reflect on that experience, and consider some of my learnings, […]

SeConf and Our Transition to Paying Speakers’ Expenses
Guest post by Ashley Hunsberger and Marcus Merrell, co-chairs of the Selenium Conference Organizing Committee There’s a touchy subject in the Twittersphere these days around conferences that require speakers to pay to speak (or, #paytospeak). Cassandra Leung discusses in depth why she doesn’t pay to speak in her blog, raising some really […]