Originally posted on the CrossBrowserTesting blog in 2017. Before becoming a tester, I worked in IT recruitment. I recruited for a variety of roles, ranging from Marketing Analyst to Category Manager to Head of Analytics. Time and time again, hiring managers would tell me they were looking for one key thing from candidates: […]
Tag: Data

How to Know What to Test: Testing IRL Part 1
This is part one in a mini-series – Testing in Real Life – that aims to share practical information about testing, based on real life examples. It’s born from the observation that a lot of resources I’ve seen appear to concentrate mostly on theory, or how to advance existing experience, but there’s not a […]

7 Steps to Create a Test Strategy from Scratch
I recently found myself in the situation of having to create a test strategy completely from scratch, for the “imminent” launch of a web app that I’d never actually seen or been involved in before. Though faced with hurdles and pressured by time, it was a very interesting and enjoyable experience, where I felt […]

I Downloaded My Facebook Data – Here’s What I Found
There have been many discussions lately around the “breach, not hack” of Facebook user data, specifically in light of how Cambridge Analytica may or may not have used it to influence elections around the world. Did users naively grant permission for their data to be shared? Was it outright taken without consent? Did […]