This is part two in a mini-series – Testing in Real Life – that aims to share practical information about testing, based on real life examples. It’s born from the observation that a lot of resources I’ve seen appear to concentrate mostly on theory, or how to advance existing experience, but there’s not a […]
Category: How To

How to Know What to Test: Testing IRL Part 1
This is part one in a mini-series – Testing in Real Life – that aims to share practical information about testing, based on real life examples. It’s born from the observation that a lot of resources I’ve seen appear to concentrate mostly on theory, or how to advance existing experience, but there’s not a […]

Ideas to Start Testing Without Equipment
This article was originally published in Testing Trapeze, the online testing magazine, in December, 2017. However, this has since ceased publishing and the article is no longer available to read via Testing Trapeze. A few months ago, I was pleased to arrive on-site with a new client as a tester on the project. […]

7 Steps to Create a Test Strategy from Scratch
I recently found myself in the situation of having to create a test strategy completely from scratch, for the “imminent” launch of a web app that I’d never actually seen or been involved in before. Though faced with hurdles and pressured by time, it was a very interesting and enjoyable experience, where I felt […]

How to Manage Your Fucks (and Other Coping Mechanisms)
This post is a follow-up to my TestBash Manchester 2018 Open Space session on mental health and how people try to manage theirs. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck Like many others, I have ups and downs in my mental health. I had a particularly low “down” period a few […]