Changing requirements. Moving milestones. Unanswered questions. These things can make people uncomfortable and frustrated. As a result, I often see people trying to limit change or uncertainty as much as possible. With this in mind, does it surprise you that the second principle of the Agile Manifesto is, “Welcome changing requirements, even late […]
Category: Productivity

How to Write Test Cases When You Hate Writing Test Cases
I love testing. I don’t love scripted, manual test cases. But the fact is that every job has elements you don’t enjoy, and every context needs something another doesn’t. Sometimes, scripted manual test cases are either the way to go, what the client wants, or both. So how do you write scripted, manual test […]

There Is No “Manual vs Automated Testing” Conflict
I’m a little bit frustrated. Since Twitter died and I decided to start engaging on LinkedIn more, I keep seeing posts that perpetuate this idea of “manual” vs automated testing; us vs them. There is no versus. Your civil war is manufactured. There’s room for everyone and we all want the same thing: […]

The Five “I”s of Great Testing
What makes a great tester? A few discussions I’ve seen lately have gotten me thinking about this: What do testers do? How does an ISTQB-following tester compare to an “Agile” or “modern” tester? Is it a tester’s job to decide the severity and / or priority of a bug? Why do people use […]

Persons of Interest: A Tool for Minority, Underrepresented and Marginalised People
Note: I was really pissed off when I wrote this, and it reads that way at times. I decided not to “tone it down”, because I don’t need to. It’s not the responsibility of oppressed people to make witnessing the results of their being oppressed more palatable to other people. If this is uncomfortable […]